Saturday, February 6, 2010

Nikki, Me and some Sunshiny Moments

Waking up in the morning and savoring the cuddly little bundle in delicious slumber next to me for a full half hour before getting out of bed.

Sipping a leisurely cup of adrak chai and watching the now bright and active little bundle zip around the house on all fours with an indulgent eye, as the husband runs helter skelter desperately trying to get ready for work on time, trying not to trip over the zippy little bundle himself. I really don't know which one I enjoy watching more.

Giving Nikki a feel better kissy as she watches her Daddy leave for work, her baby face looking broken hearted. Distracting her with a silly game and watching her cheer up. Reading 'Peek-a-boo its Winnie the Pooh!' to her a million times and then once more.

Zipping down to the park to catch up with the flowers and butterflies and the occasional friendly doggy. Lying down on the grass and watching Nikki enjoy the mellow midday sunshine and gentle breeze and generally be super excited at being out in the park.

A nice long massage with warm coconut oil, enjoying the feel of Nikki's soft baby skin under my fingers and blowing raspberries on her tummy as she coos and giggles in delight. Following this up with a relaxed, warm bath at the end of which both of us (for different reasons!) are ready to embrace the land of nod. Cradling Nikki in the crook of my arm and rocking her gently to sleep, watching her eyes close as she nestles against me looking blissfully content.

Catching up with P on his cell as he shuttles from one meeting to the next. Often P hears Nikki babbling away in the background as we talk and he misses her something terrible. And even though I wish he could be with us then, I also feel really happy that I'm not away from her too.

Trying a new recipe for a fruit smoothie and churning (literally so!) it out with painstaking effort (yeah I KNOW its just a smoothie but I'm no Nigella Lawson, and I mean that in more ways than one.Right, moving on to more cheery topics). Watching Nikki relish it to the last lick and feeling her nicely rounded baby tummy. Sitting out with her in our sunny balcony waiting for the big burpy. Feeling just as pleased as Nikki, or maybe more, when the burpy finally does emanate.

Being there for all those precious firsts: the first time Nikki showed her budding sense of self identity and pointed to herself when asked "Where's Nikki?", the first piggy face, the first time she learned to clap, the first wave bye bye...mostly just being there.

Running into the room when Nikki awakens mid slumber, crying. Feeling all warm and sunshiny inside when she stops crying and looks at me with a happy, relieved smile. You're here mama! Everything's okay!


ArtsyCraftsyMom said...

:) what a sweet post.. These are truly special mama moments. Hopped over from priyanka's

Diary Of A Stardusted Dreamer said...

Hi there, thanks for dropping by! Yes I know, sometimes I wish I could hold on to these moments forever.

Divs said...

Wow - brought tears to my eyes. Truely special these precious mommy baby moments. Especially the part where they feel "you're here mommy! everything's ok". Gosh how I'm gonna miss that when I start work soon :(

Diary Of A Stardusted Dreamer said...

Hi Divs, thanks for dropping by. I know the feeling! Sometimes I wonder whether I'll ever be able to go back to work. But I guess kids adjust to change a lot better than we think. Probably we end up missing them a lot more than they miss us ;)

Divs said...

Yeah..true they adjust but do I really want her to 'adjust' instead of enjoying every minute of her childhood? Gosh you can see how torn I am abt this :-)

Diary Of A Stardusted Dreamer said...

I can totally understand, I feel exactly the same way. Just contemplating getting back to work is enough to send my head into swirls of confusion :)