Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Summer Holiday

School's out! Well actually it was out almost a month ago, but the point is I'm writing about it now and not after the next school year has begun. Which, if you consider my track record, was not entirely an impossibility. The thing is, what with all the recent bai woes and the daily school run, life had become pretty darn hectic. Nikki's mother toddler group which we started when she was about fifteen months old had progressed from an hour, thrice a week, to one and a half hours, all five days a week and the timing had also shifted from a leisurely 11.30am to 10.00am, which is a whole lot more demanding when you live a good half hour away and have a toddler who likes to ponder on the various intricacies life throws up while chomping away at the morning meal for a couple of hours each day.

Most mornings thus saw me scrabbling though the two hours I had at hand after Nikki woke up to get self and child ready for school at breakneck speed, get aforementioned breakfast down Nikki's gullet at a pace that would put the most steadfast snail to shame, and cram some toast down my own throat before whizzing off to school. Needless to mention, Nikki would choose exactly half past nine, designated we-need-to-leave-NOW time, to bless her diaper, necessitating operation clean up and ensuring that we reached school just in the nick of time. Since the program we'd signed up for was a mother-toddler one, the one and a half hours we spent there everyday demanded equal participation from both me and Nikki and much vigorous moving-to-the-music and building sandcastles later we'd go back home to bath, lunch and nap time for Nikki and about two hours of downtime for Mommy. Except that the two hours downtime tended to bear an uncanny similarity to weekends; Sunday evening strikes before you've properly begun to savour the beginning of Friday night, and before I could park myself on the couch to vegetate or open that latest book, Nikki would be up, bright and chirpy and raring to go to the park. Some days there would be play dates or birthday parties to go to, and all in all, my post baby life was beginning to get almost as demanding as my pre-baby corporate one. Except, of course, that this time round I have a boss who is wayyyy more demanding!

I was quite looking forward to the onset of the summer holidays therefore; glorious, lazy days filled with endless hours of doing nothing and I was quite unprepared for the summer camp frenzy that routinely strikes most mums this time of the year. I got my first taste of it on the last day at school where a bunch of mums were earnestly exchanging notes about different summer camps and poring over brochures of the same. They were aghast when I told them I wasn't planning to enroll Nikki in one, with reactions ranging from 'you're compromising on developing a strong educational base for your daughter' to the more pragmatic 'you'll go nuts with her in the house all day', but I resisted the impulse to go check out the summer camps in the neighborhood. Not that I have anything against summer camps, I don't know enough about what goes on in them to really have a strong opinion for or against them, but I'm home this summer with Nikki and I don't see her losing out on anything by just enjoying the holidays at home, the way I used to when I was a kid. Besides she's just two years old and there's enough time for summer camps later, even though the average age for summer camp where I lives seems be to thirteen months, so going by that her educational base seems to be compromised quite a bit already!

We've had fun so far too, Nikki and I. Apart from a few weekend trips we haven't really gone anywhere so most days are spent in and around home. We spend the mornings either in the 'big' swimming pool or in Nikki's smaller baby pool at home, with her toy ducks, fishes and her paddling dog Pogo for company. If Nikki's not in the mood to be a water baby, we bring out the paints and shaving foam and play dough and muck around in the balcony creating various works of art. The only person who doesn't seem too happy about us honing our artistic skills is the maid who gets to clean the balcony when she comes around every afternoon. No surprise then, that she's recently announced a ten day trip for some 'sudden' wedding in the family. No problem, coz cleaning-up is Nikki's new found passion! Give her a sponge and a bucket and she can keep herself occupied for hours. We'd gone out for lunch recently to a bistro which had a little fountain in the seating area and it took all my persuasive efforts to keep Nikki from ripping off her tee and mopping the tables with the fountain water!
Evenings usually see us headed out to a nearby park or the zoo or a play date with some of Nikki's school friends and before you know it another glorious summer day is over and another one has begun.

All too soon summer will end and it'll be time for Nikki to go to school on her own, as she 'graduates' from the mother toddler program to playgroup. Time for me to let go a little. And so, this summer I just want to enjoy every little bit with my baby while she's still a baby. Enjoy the feeling of waking up in the morning with nowhere to go and nothing to do, soak in the early morning sun in the balcony while Nikki makes me a cup of tea in her kitchen set, go for an impromptu picnic to the neighborhood park when the mood strikes with banana chips and nutella sandwiches, luxuriate in long afternoon naps and spend hours in the mellow evening sun studying the interesting shapes clouds make. Here's to summer holidays then! How're you spending yours?


Vandana said...

Aaaahhh it must be destiny! Here I was, checking your blog for the umpteenth time for a new post and voila! This brought back memories of my own summer holidays spent doing nothing productive and just climbing mango trees in my grandparents place and eating mangoes! and you know what? When I have kids I'm gonna be a mom just like you and do nothing with my baby! Bliss!

Diary Of A Stardusted Dreamer said...

Destiny it is, for here I was waiting for a comment and voila! :)That was quick though, I'd published this post just minutes ago!

Divs said...

Yup...totally with you here. I too do not support summer camps unless absolutely necessary (such as when parents are working and have no other baby sitting arrangements for the day). So if you are at home at present, don't rush - not now and not next year too. There's plenty of time for structured activities...I am a firm believer of giving them unstructured time to do free play and discover things themselves!

Jaya said...

my son will be 3 soon and we're in no particular hurry to get him into preschool! with all due respect to moms who fill their kids' days with 'eventful' stuff, I feel that doing nothing is highly underrated :) so here's to those park runs and...nutella sandwiches...yum!

Diary Of A Stardusted Dreamer said...

Divs...True, unstructured time is important too and too few kids seem to be getting it these days. Having said that, if Nikki herself wants to go for summer camp next year or the year after I'll probably let her go and then decide for herself how she'd like to spend her summer.

Jaya...You're right, the art of doing nothing is a skill that's becoming fast forgotten! Give it the time and dedication it deserves, I say!
P.S. I end up eating more of those nutella sandwiches than Nikki at these picnics :(

Aarthy said...

Wonderful post!!

Am so glad for you that you are spending fulltime with your baby .. Its a time of life for you to really enjoy and cherish and the child needs you more than anything else ..

'Enjoy the feeling of waking up in the morning with nowhere to go and nothing to do, soak in the early morning sun in the balcony..'

Totally agree .. Am notorious for sitting and dreaming in the balcony :) Nothing like a holiday with nothing to do ..
(As the for the cup of tea in the kitchen set, my nephew may do it for me if he's in a particularly good mood :) )

Even on weekedays when I have to catch my office bus at 7:45 AM, I always have the nerve to sit there till almost 7:15 and then rush through bath and dressing, give my mom hell of a time running after me with my lunch box, mobile n what not, ruuuunnn to the bus stop and get there just in time to jump in as it prepares to leave .. Then heaven begins again .. Sit by the nearest window, look out and dream for the next 45-50 mins listening to music :) .. n then resentfully get down to head for work :(

Diary Of A Stardusted Dreamer said...

Hey Aarthy, we sound very alike! I was infamous among Mumbai taxi wallas for getting so lost in day dreams on my way to work that I'd forget to tell them where to stop and spend the better part of my morning driving around in circles :)